About the New Mexico Law Review

The New Mexico Law Review is a general legal journal published two times a year by student editors and staff members at the University of New Mexico School of Law. Each issue contains articles carefully selected based on their quality of content, research, and writing. Authors from across the country contribute to the journal and include law professors, attorneys, judges, and second-year UNM law review staff members. The Editorial Board is comprised of third-year law students, who are solely responsible for all organizational and editorial decisions.

Mission Statement

When it began publication in 1971, the mission of the New Mexico Law Review, as the only general legal journal in the state, was to serve as a crucible for scholarly discussion of legal issues unique to New Mexico. Over the past four decades, the New Mexico Law Review has fulfilled that mission by serving as the major outlet for professional and student scholarship on important developments in New Mexico law. With the globalization of the law in recent years, the New Mexico Law Review has broadened its coverage to include scholarship of national and international significance. Today, the New Mexico Law Review contributes a voice to the national dialogue on developments in various fields of the law, while still maintaining its mission to serve as the primary source for legal scholarship on legal issues affecting the great state of New Mexico.

Commitment to Excellence

New Mexico Law Review (NMLR) is a student-run legal publication. All articles undergo a group review process and, for those articles chosen for publication, an extensive editorial review and revisions by third-year law students at The University of New Mexico School of Law. NMLR is committed to the highest standards of quality and integrity in the publication of articles, case notes, and reviews.

NMLR editors work to identify plagiarism and methodically review articles under consideration for publication for citation manipulation and/or data falsification. The University of New Mexico does not encourage research misconduct or plagiarism, nor knowingly allow this to take place. NMLR will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies diligently if and when they are required.

Note: The views expressed in the articles published by the New Mexico Law Review are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Board, the Law Faculty or Regents of the University of New Mexico. The New Mexico Law Review does not provide legal advice or research services. For assistance with specific legal problems, consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. For research questions or other information please ask your local public or academic library.